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How to become a Soccer Scout? (part2)

How to become a Soccer Scout? (part2)

So here we are and let’s keep going together on this journey of how to become a soccer scout.

As promised in the previous article I will leave you some tips that can be useful on how to become a soccer scout.

As like most things in life the path to become a soccer scout it’s not something linear and can have completely different roads that lead to the same destiny. Sometimes “just” being at the exact place at the right time, which involves the “luck” factor or destiny depending on your believings.

Therefore I will leave you some tips, so you don’t “depend” on that factor and if by chance it happens to you can also be better equipped to face the challenge.

The tips that I will provide can be adapted and used by the generality of the ones that are looking to become a soccer scout, despite the country or level of experience.


Step 1:

Although you should get and find your style, it is important to find a mentor or someone that you can, if possible, share ideas with and obtain his feedback. Someone that is equally willing to share his experience with you.

Opposite to what you may expect, most people inside the soccer industry, especially the ones that have a wide and deep knowledge are willing to share it and to help the ones who wish to begin their careers.

Ask all the questions you have, understand what involves being a scout, the lifestyle, ask all the questions imagining that you can already choose to leave your current activity, and become a full-time soccer scout. Consider all the pros and cons.

Step 2:

At this stage, you already have a better and more clear idea about the area inside scouting that you enjoy the most and what you wish to follow.

So now you can start producing your reports on well-known players. Why well-known players you may ask?

The reason is simple. You will look into getting feedback and to obtain it, it’s easier for your mentor and for the ones that you will look for advice from to know the player so you can get as much feedback as possible and knowing as much as you can about the player is essential.

Step 3:

Simultaneously while you produce your reports, you can also look into some workshops, courses, so you can go deeper into your “education” as knowledge is never too much and receiving structured teaching, may be very useful even if only in some details that for sure can be important further on.

In addition, at this stage, it is crucial that you can understand the game in all its aspects. To be familiar with the game moments, to know how to analyze the collective actions and the distinct divisions of the game so you can understand the player’s behavior and skills on each of those moments.

Additional courses on this matter can be a tremendous help as I will mention on subsequent steps.

Step 4:

These days we have incredible tools at our disposal that we can use for diverse aspects. The first one may be to build your network of people that you can share your ideas with, people that also share their work on their social media for example.

The second one is also yourself to share your work in your social media channels and for everyone that wishes to access it so you can also promote yourself, showing your vision, dedication and ambitions.

Don’t be afraid to share it or that someone can “steal” your ideas, a copy for as much good as it can be it will under no circumstances be the original one.

As you learn with others it is also always great that you can also allow others to learn with you.

The stage where you’ll have to keep secrets will come later, and when it arrives it’s a good sign, it’s a sign that you achieved your goals and became a professional scout.

Step 5:

An aspect that I would like to emphasize as I believe it’s one of the most, and possibly even the most important of all is for you to “trust” in your own eyes and not produce your reports based on others opinions for as much as you can rely on them.

ALWAYS make your own evaluation. If you listen to divergent opinions, don’t question yourself about your own opinion, just filter the information and if it’s something to take in consideration, register it and confirm it yourself after in case you missed something and if you feel that it’s something to add value and not just because it’s opposite to your vision.

If you have doubts about something, go and observe it again with your own eyes. Every so often there is a tendency for self-doubt, especially when you face several opinions and it may come across that most or even all of them may be opposite to yours which can be challenging but at the same time it can be an excellent exercise for you to keep your identity and being flexible to find that balance and understand that we all can misjudge or even make mistakes. This will always be part of the process and with time and experience, you will just minimize it.

All these factors are key, and you need to retain them and know when to use each one and on each occasion.

Step 6:

After this process and if you are still enjoying and you keep the desire to go ahead, probably you will want to work for a club as a scout.

For this, I advise you to look more deeply into some certifications, as they are also a sign that you are investing in yourself and not merely waiting for a miracle to happen.

You must go after your dream, don’t neglect that. In addition, do a reflection on the aspect that you feel less secure with and seek specific courses to improve those aspects.

I also recommend looking at other soccer areas courses, like courses for coaches and analysts for example as you will acquire a better understanding of the game from distinct perspectives.

Step 7:

The first step to getting involved in a club and it can be an encouraging start is to seek the local teams in your geographical area, doesn’t matter how small the club may be, what it matters is that you will gain experience that you can only obtain by being involved and have an internal perspective.

This will also allow you also to do it on a part-time basis and for sure you will be welcome.

It will also “test” your passion. It will give you more tools and assure you that is what you want to do professionally and allow you to avoid unnecessary costs.

This can be an excellent exercise, with the plus that you are contributing to a club growth and the sport in general.

Step 8:

At this point, you can also look into some tools (software) that exist in the market, and that can help you in your scouting procedures on a daily basis.

The club may have access to some of those tools, or it may be willing to support the costs but if not there are some good options in the market for a reasonable cost that may not be perfect but “do the job.” to start.

Most of the software offers a trial period so use it to find the ones that better fulfill your needs and to avoid extra costs and time-wasting.

These tools are essential, so you can keep a record of your work, of your reports, and especially so you can build your database without wasting any of your work and time. At some point, you can even look at your older reports and note your progress.

Step 9:

Keep establishing your network, be aware of possible vacancies having into consideration a possible relocation and the traveling you are willing to consider accepting and also the markets that you are more familiar with.

To be consistent represents a key aspect. Don’t forget that it can be a long path or you may even never achieve the top, but are you willing to try or to give up on your dream?

Passion for what you do is essential so that must be the fuel that moves you through all the process and you must keep it when you achieve your goals.

A soccer scout works in the shadow, sometimes it’s a cruel job and it can be frustrating and lonely. Most of the time you will have to sacrifice many things, and you must be prepared for the moments where your hard work will not be recognized as it should so that’s why doing it with passion is so important.

Equally important and can massively decrease your frustration is to understand that your work ends when you finish the and completed player’s profile process, delivering your final evaluation.

After that, if the club recruits the player or not it’s something that’s not in your hands. You cannot measure your work and success by that circumstance. If you identify the right players and you did your work as you should and the way you believe it’s right and honest you have successfully completed your tasks, so… well done!

Step 10:

Investing in a second language always represents an excellent option, for obvious reasons the main one I recommend is the English language.

Bear in mind that it’s critical to learn not only the basics but the most important represent the technical side of it, in this specific case adapted to soccer.

All the vocabulary and terminology used by all the people involved as it will be with what you will be operating when producing your reports and it’s essential that can be understood by all. Especially by a head scout, coaches, sports directors, and the ones that will maintain more direct contact with the recruitment process and decisions.


Now it’s time for some action without forgetting that learning remains a constant and endless process, so most of these tips will follow you during all your scouting career.

Go for it!

Good luck

Find more about Soccer Scouting at: https://www.hub-soccer.com/course-category/soccer-scouting/
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  1. User Avatar
    September 3, 2020

    Very nice session and it is very

  2. User Avatar
    November 29, 2020

    Well , standard .and comprehensive

  3. User Avatar
    Maxamed ismacil muse maxamed
    June 21, 2023

    I need certificate course

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